Chromium is in stage 6 and is the first remedy from the individual part of the ironseries. The previous stages belonged to the primordial part and missed an individual focus.
The sign that is similar to stage 6 is leo.
Ego development, setting yourself apart from the rest of the world. Self-
And the complement is aquarius.
Progressive view of things and rarely follow the beaten path. An insatiable urge for discovering that which isn’t known.
Taking this together with the ironseries, being similar to virgo.
Perfectionist, always seeking to improve, efficiency, practical, functional, analytical. Reacts to defeats and setbacks by pulling back and altering approach.
Scholten about stage 6:
They love challenges and even go looking for them. A great need to prove themselves, to show what they can do. If someone challenges them they feel an even greater urge to do it. They have to convince themselves and others that they can do it.
So with Chromium you get an individual who discovers that he has an inner urge (leo) to do things in an unconventional way (aquarius) again and again until he is good enough (virgo).
But the process itself is not something they want others to see. About Chromium in homeopathy and the elements:
Very embarrassed about mistakes, feel very uncomfortable if others see their mistakes. Keep up appearances. Become langwinded about all kind of innocent details.
Molybdenum is the first remedy from the individual part of the silverseries. After the primordial spirit, body, mind and soul, we now get to the individual spirit (leo).
Ego development, setting yourself apart from the rest of the world. Becoming your
own person. Self-
And together with that, the complement aquarius.
Progressive view of things and rarely follow the beaten path. An insatiable urge for discovering that which isn’t known. Or developing that which is known into something which is new, refreshing and completely different.
Molybdenum is in stage 6, the same as Chromium. Scholten calls it the initiation, the fire walk. Not an exercise but the real thing.
Challenge to do something creative. Initiated in their own creativity. Not open for others, turn inside to unite all their strength for their performance. Wilful and dominating. Not want to burden others with something they see as a personal challenge. Have to do it all by themselves. Prove they can show their ideas. Feeling forced to be creative. Point of no return. Can not go back and do not dare to go on. Pressure themselves, by taking assignments. Force themselves to be creative. Want to remain free, go their own way. Appear very proud. Great fear they will not succeed, afraid to loose their face. Prefer not to show what they are doing, but try out first. While challenged they get triggerd to perform. Work has to speak for itself. Not want to explain it. Hide their aspirations, because they still have to earn the fame. Cautious. Doubt if they will ever succeed to make something creative, that will be worth something. Afraid to fail and if they fail they feel it as a humiliation.
With Neodymium we arrive at the individual part of the lanthanides. It is in stage 6, the same stage as Chromium (ironseries) and Molybdenum (silverseries), which is similar to leo, the individual spirit.
Ego development, setting yourself apart from the rest of the world. Becoming your
own person. Self-
Stage 6 has the polarity between arrogant and disrespected with the purpose of expression. But this expression needs the complement of aquarius which has the polarity between destructive and nervousness but with the purpose of invention.
Freedom and cooperation between individuals. Free-
So this is the phase of expression (leo) in the process of the lanthanides, which as a whole is about bright (gemini) truthseekers (sagittarius) that concentrate (taurus) on their inner world (scorpio) to become autonomous (scorpio) individuals with mindpower (gemini/scorpio).
Tungsten is the first remedy of the individual part of the goldseries, the part where the individual becomes seperate from the primordial background, here in the whole of the goldseries.
It is in stage 6, the same stage as Chromium (ironseries), Molybdenum (silverseries) and Neodymium (lanthanides), which is similar to leo.
Ego development, setting yourself apart from the rest of the world. Becoming your
own person. Self-
Leo has the polarity of arrogant and disrespected, so with Tungsten that polarity plays in the world of construction, leadership and responsibility (goldseries/capricorn).
Bring about the perfect society. Making practical, efficient connections with others on the physical plane. Ambitious, feels pride in accomplishments. Reality, hard facts. Relationship to authority. Serious, determined, disciplined, focused. Fathering, disciplining love. Authority figures. Seeks certainties in life. Want things in concrete. Concerned with the practical relationships to support yourself within society. Not interested in blue sky ideas, needs to bring theory into concrete reality. Knowing the rules and playing the game.
The complement of leo and stage 6 is aquarius which has the polarity of destruction and nervousness. The middle path of aquarius is invention, which is needed to get to the purpose of stage 6, expression.
So Tungsten is about expression (stage 6) of ambition (goldseries).